Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas with the Goldmans!

Christmas with the Goldman family is a fairly epic event. First, there is always a MASSIVE pot of cheese fondue (because Chinese Food is unoriginal). Second, we are a family of drunken puzzlers, and wine on Christmas day is quite free flowing. 

From my family to yours, I wish all of my readers a happy, healthy and joyous holiday season.

Table and kitchenscapes

Puzzling is serious business

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fish Thief

Weight Watchers puts a lot of stress on meal planning, and for the most part -- I do a decent job of it.  While I may not know exactly what I'm having for dinner every night, I keep multiple grain, protein and vegetable options on hand at all times.

One of my favorite protein options is individually sealed portions of fish (found in the frozen section). Its very easy to put a portion of fish into the refrigerator to defrost during the day, and sear it once I'm home and prepping dinner. However, there are plenty of times where I don't plan and defrost. Not to worry: I simply fill a container with cold water and submerge the sealed fish filet until it has thawed.

At least, that's what I did before I got Snoop Dogg.

Caught in the act!

For more of Snoop Dogg's adventures, check out my Instagram, Steph_Goldman with the hashtag, #SnoopDoggthecat.